OUR PRODUCTS: Butter - Cheeses - Margarines Foreign cheeses Vinegar Oil Extracts broth - Peeled tomatoes Creams - Soups - Condiments Breakfast products Tea - Coffee - Infusions Gluten free products Aperitifs products Frigobar products Pasta Frutta fresca e candita Canned fruit Mushrooms and truffles Starchy - Dried vegetables Rice and Messican foods Japanese food Jellies - Spices - Condiments aromas Kitchen and dining restaurant products Vegetables in brine Preserved fish and shellfish Caviar - Smoked fish Raw sausages-Cured meats-Smoked sausages Cooked meats Canned meats Specialties fresh meat L'oie e Canard Mayonnaise and mustard Dessert specialties Frozen fruit sorbets Fruit juices Vegetables in oil and pickle Olives in brine Liquors and grappas White wines Red wines and rosé Dessert wines Sparkling wines Frozen vegetables Croissant and Bread frozen Ground game and frozen pork Frozen dough Frozen fruits and mashed
VS. 8/4 CT. 6 VS.
Via G. Rossa, 8
43012 Parola di Fontanellato (Pr)
Tel. +39 0521 825224
Fax +39 0521 825382
Sardegna Office and Deposit
Zona Industriale Loc. Mulgiano
07021 Arzachena (Ss)
Tel. +39 0789 840018
Fax +39 0789 840177